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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

VLC Latest Version 0.9.2 with Latest Bugfixes

VLC media player (initially VideoLAN Client) is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG, DivX/Xvid, Ogg, and many more) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. However in recent years it has also become a extremely powerful server to stream live and on demand video in several formats to our network and the Internet.
It started as a student project at the French École Centrale, Paris but is now a worldwide project with developers from 20 countries. (more).
VLC is built in a modular way. This means that you can choose from a range of different modules to decide how to control VLC and how to display the video output.

Keyboard shortcuts in the Windows (directx) video output

Note: these shortcuts are only default settings and can be customized (along with many others). To tweak hotkeys settings, go to Settings->Preferences->Interface->Hotkeys settings

F...........................................Fullsc reen
T...........................................Show position (time)
Shift+Left/Shift+Right...........Jump very short
Alt+Left/Alt+Right.................Jump short
Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right..............Jump medium
Ctrl+Alt+Left/Ctrl+Alt+Right.Jump long
Ctrl+Up/Ctrl+Down...............Volume up/down
Ctrl+M..................................Show DVD-menu

Security updates

>>Fixed integer overflow in WAV demuxer (CVE-2008-2430)

Various bugfixes

>>Fixed option to use shared memory within the GLX video output module
>>Improved galaktos-based audio visualizations on FreeBSD
>>Miscellaneous bugfixes in multiple modules and in libvlc (transcode stream output, OSD menu video filter, VCD input, SAP services discovery, http control interface)
>>Updated Polish translation


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